Latest Deals, Coupons and Vouchers

Boardstore's latest deals page offers you some of the industry's trusted brands at the lowest prices. Scroll down to access coupons, discounts, and vouchers on skateboards, clothing, trucks, wheels, hardware, and redeem your discount instantly! Available for a limited time only, so check back often for new deals!
Keep it fresh with our discounted Streetwear and Skate Clothing. Look the part wearing some of the industries most trusted brands for a fraction of the cost with these deals, discounts and coupons.
Only available for a limited time, once they are gone they won’t be back so nows your chance to grab a bargain and get some of the biggest brands at the cheapest prices.
Ace Trucks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Hopps Clothing Select graphics *Prices as marked
Traffic Clothing Select graphics *Prices as marked
Uma Clothing Select graphics *Prices as marked
Buying a pre-made skateboard can be a good option for a beginner or anyone new to the sport. Pre-made skateboards can be expensive and it's hard to know where to find the best deals.
The good news is that you are here, so take advantage of the best deals, discounts and coupon codes below on pre-built completes, so you or your loved one can try skateboarding without breaking the bank.
Colours Completes Select graphics *Prices as marked
Eternal Completes Select graphics *Prices as marked
Madrid Completes Select graphics *Prices as marked
Nana Completes Select graphics *Prices as marked
Swelltech/Surfskate Select graphics *Prices as marked |
Hamboards Select graphics *Prices as marked
Boardstore skate shop stocks the Sunshine Coast's largest variety of skateboard decks and now you can get your hands on some at the cheapest prices around.
If you are looking for a skateboard deck, then you should check out the latest deals below. You will find trusted bands from around the globe at discounted prices. Available only for a limited time, these won’t last long so grab yourself a new skateboard deck today.
151 Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Bacon Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked |
Colours Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Select graphics *Prices as marked
Fancy Lad Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Hopps Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked |
Madrid Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Select graphics *Prices as marked
Scumco & Sons Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Select graphics *Prices as marked |
Traffic Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked
Uma Decks Select graphics *Prices as marked |
Need some trucks to bolt on to that freshly-gripped board? Take advantage of the deals, coupons and discounts on this page and get some of the highest-quality trucks on the market at the cheapest prices.
These trusted truck brands are only discounted for a limited time so grab a set while you can enjoy the ebbs and flows of skateboarding today.
Caliber Trucks Select styles *Prices as marked
No-one gets far in skateboarding without a good set of wheels, and some of the best wheels in the industry are now more affordable than ever through the coupons, deals and discounts below.
If you want to save money on wheels without compromising on quality then you’re in good company. Discounted prices on our site are available for limited time only so make sure to check back often for new deals!
Autobahn Wheels Select styles *Prices as marked
Crupie Wheels *FREE WITH ANY DECK* or select styles *Prices as marked
Boardstore Skateshop's range of hardware is perfect to get your skateboard, longboard or cruiser set up perfectly to hit the streets or the park.
Our stores are packed wall-to-wall with skateboard hardware. Check out the deals below: our brands are reliable and prices are discounted, but only for a limited-time so pick something up today.
Blurs Bearings Select styles *Prices as marked